About the work
(Num-0) But what, or who determines that it is, indeed, an illusion? is the first work of Tan Sólo Un Punto de Vista (Just One Point of View) which offers an original, thought-provoking, artistic view to perspectives, blindspots and the power of constantly questioning and re-choosing what, where or who becomes our point of reference, our default 'truth', and, as such, shapes and influences our experiences.
In this movement-based digital work, Back2basix study how elements come together and play visually and in dance (space, rhythm, limbs, connections, the elements and cues we catch on, ignore or respond to). A metaphor for our relationship with things, people and situations in our every day lives, this series of photographic work, poetic elements and dance, invites the audience and those who participate in such explorations to re-think what and how we see.
The work offers a space to reflect in a playful and engaging way, and inspires the audience to look at things with a curious mind that is open and ready to rediscover possibilities and find commonalities where we often see limitations and separation.
Each piece of Tan Sólo Un Punto de Vista (Just One Point of View) will be inspired by the tone and layout of a different type of written publication. In this case, Num-0 is inspired by a news magazine, therefore playing with different ideas related to that, among which the contradiction of fitting art and subjective perspectives into a supposedly fact-based medium.
La Biblioteca de la Danza
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. nUm 0
(Just One Point of View)
but what, or who determines, that it is, indeed,
thoughts hailing,
deaf sounds on the surface
of my conscious being, yet i’m shrinking
under the downpour, the silent chatter
wondering, pondering questions,
like ink sinking slowly,
unnoticeably form scripts of what is
or agreed and believed to be
th o u g h t s h a i l i n g, deaf sounds o n t h e s u r f a c e o f m y conscious being,
y e t i ' m shrinking u n d e r t h e d o w n p o u r, t h e silent c h a t t e r
w o n d e r i n g , p o n d e r i n g q u e s t i o n s, l i k e ink sinking s l o w l y, unnoticeably
f o r m s c r i p t s o f what is O R A G R E E D A N D B E L I E V E D to be
f r o z e n o r h e a t e d perceptions;
h o p e f u l glances t u r n, s e e k i n g, t h e y look, yet o f t e n, e v e r y d e t a i l t h e y see,
a h e a d o r b e h i n d stares a s p r e v i o u s l y, o n e - s i g h t e d l y, w i de - k n o w i n g l y
seen f a m i l i a r
heard of
* * *
scents, s i l e n t clues, good old b l u e s and the most unbelievable memories shake it up,
wake t h e w a n d e r i n g m i n d ' s s i g h t
making sense of my senses, for they wouldn’t clear the picture, the frame,
the why, how, the when;
maybe, possibly, to what extent...?
...w i l l i f a l l f o r t h e s h a d o w s
...w i l l i b y p a s s t h e n o w ?
i a m g l a n c i n g , h e a r i n g , s e n s i n g , b e l i e v i n g w h a t n o t to believe
who says what, what says who i t i s a c o n s t a n t g a m e o f p a r a d o x
i am moving in the shadows
i am dancing in the n - o - w